The advantages of regular servicing

Regular servicing can be extremely advantageous if you want to take the best possible care of your vehicle - be it old or new - and benefit from the peace of mind and reliability that a well-looked-after car can provide.
It is possible to become confused by the conflicting servicing advice available, however, despite the facts actually being quite simple. In general, you should follow the recommended factory maintenance schedule, which you can find in either your service booklet or owner’s manual.

In-Vehicle Reminders

If you have a newer car, the chances are that your task of remembering when your vehicle needs a service is even easier. Many new vehicles have an in-vehicle reminder system installed to tell you when maintenance visits are required and making mileage schedules unnecessary.
These maintenance reminder systems use data from a variety of vehicle operating conditions in order to determine when your car needs attention, such as fluid level checks, an oil change or various other maintenance checks or services.
These systems offer a very reliable reference point but cannot always replace driver attention. For example, if you don’t use your car that regularly, it is still recommended that you put your car in for an oil change service once a year even if your maintenance reminder never comes on.

Mileage-Based Servicing

If you have an older car, you should determine your service intervals based on the mileage that you do. There are normally two varying maintenance schedules depending on how much you use your car. There is generally one schedule if you use your car for ‘normal’ service’, while ‘severe’ operating conditions require a different level of servicing.
Automakers have individual definitions of ‘severe’ service, but generally this will involve:

  • Mostly short trips of five miles or under

  • Excessively dusty, cold or hot climates

  • Continual ‘stop-and-go’ conditions

  • Trailer towing or the carrying of heavy loads

General Advice

If in doubt, it is normally advised that you take your car in for a full service every year or every 12,000 miles - whichever comes first. There are also additional servicing requirements which you may choose to adhere to.
Traditional advice states that an oil change should be undertaken every 3,000 miles. It should be remembered, however, that thanks to modern lubricants newer engines only need an oil change at between 5,000- and 7,500-mile intervals.
There is also the option of interim servicing to ensure that your car is maintained to the highest possible standards.
Manufacturer service schedules can determine when you need your next service and what type of checks and maintenance your car requires.
In general, maintenance can range from oil and filter replacements to a full service. The benefits include ensuring that your car runs smoothly to optimising the chances of identifying issues early in order to reduce the possibility of more serious and, potentially, more costly problems developing over time.
For more information about your servicing requirements or to book your next service, contact your local Protyre garage today.