Best Trailer Tyres

By David Sholicar

At Protyre, we stock hundreds of tyres for every sort of vehicle, with prices to suit every budget ranging from premium brands, such as Pirelli and Bridgestone through to budget options. But did you know that we also fit trailer tyres? So, if you have a trailer sitting on your drive, or in your garage, why not take a good look at its tyres to make sure that they’re still in good condition and fit for purpose.

truck towing trailer

Check the tyres on your trailer today

If you have a trailer, there’s a good chance that it’s not regularly used. Whether its purpose is mainly for transporting luggage and equipment when you go on holiday, or it’s just brought out from time to time for visits to the local tip, a trailer isn’t usually an everyday use item.
In fact, with such little use, you might assume that the tyres on your trailer will last for years and years - after all, they’re not out and about on the roads every day, so they are not really being worn down, are they?
Perhaps surprisingly, rarely-used tyres won’t last indefinitely. Tyres need to be used regularly to keep them flexible, so parking up your trailer for weeks, or even months, won’t do them any good at all. Over time, the wax veneer coating that keeps them supple will leach down from the top of the tyre, leading to drying and cracking. And that compromises the safety of you, your passengers and other road users.
It’s essential to check the tyre pressures on your trailer before using it too. Underinflated tyres may not be obvious when your trailer is unloaded, but once the extra weight of a load is added, they could be under-inflated, causing uneven wear which will damage the tyre’s integrity over time.
The penalties for having less than 1.6mm of tread on tyres apply to trailers, as well as cars and other vehicles, so if the police pull you over and find you’re in breach of the regulations, you’ll be subject to a fine of up to £2,500 as well as 3 points on your licence for every worn tyre.

Check the type of tyres on your trailer

Even if your current tyres still have plenty of life left in them, they may not be suitable for the loads you carry in your trailer. Just because you’ve sourced the right size of tyres, it doesn’t automatically follow that they’re the best option for your circumstances. The types of loads that you carry and the speeds at which you travel also need to be taken into account, to ensure a safe driving experience.
If you frequently carry loads higher than the indicated maximum weight suggested by the manufacturer, your tyres will wear rapidly, possibly unevenly and could well blowout when you’re driving, with catastrophic consequences.
If you’re not sure whether or not your trailer tyres are fit for purpose, why not call in for advice from one of our tyre professionals. We’ll examine your tyres thoroughly, to make sure they’re suitable and advise you as to your options if your current tyres aren’t up to the job.

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About the author

Article Author Photo
By David Sholicar
David is the National Retail Operations Manager for Protyre. One of David’s areas of responsibility and expertise is dealing with the DVSA and MOT’s for Protyre. As the Authorised Examiner Designate Manager ( AEDM ) David deals with applications for changes to the many Vehicle Testing Stations ( VTS’s) including managing the growth of the Number of MOT testing stations that Protyre operate, allocating MOT tester roles, and monitoring the MOT Test logs to ensure that Protyre MOT standards are maintained as the best in the industry.
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